• Information about the school


        1.  Brief history and characteristics of the school

             The school continues the tradition of secondary sports education in Poprad, which was founded by the establishment of sports classes at the Gymnáziium, Kukučínova 4239/1, Poprad in the school year 2012/2013. As this format of studying athletes proved to be ineffective, the department 7902 J 77 gymnazium - sport was established in the school in the 2016/2017 school year. After the change in legislation and the transformation of Secondary sports schools, a new school - The Secondary sports school, which would maintain the combination of high-quality sports training and a high level of Gymnázium studies, and at the same time enable the study of another group of athletes inclined more towards studies preparing for performance, should continue to follow this successful field of sports. 

        2.  Vision of the school

             The Secondary sports school Dlhé hony 5766/16, Poprad 058 01 is a modern, open and democratic school, with professional and material potential capabilities of ensuring a top level of education and upbringing of pupils, combined with high-quality sports training for the education of a new generation of athletes - representatives of the town, region and of Slovakia.

        3.  After school

             Creating conditions for the all-round development of pupils' talents and talents, for the formation of their civic, moral and value attitudes in accordance with European and national traditions.

             Using modern teaching technologies to enable effective acquisition of knowledge, habits and skills guaranteeing trouble-free mastering of university studies at home or abroad and at the same time creating a solid foundation for lifelong learning and self-improvement.

             The combination of high-quality sports training and a high level of secondary school studies, and at the same time enabling the study of another group of athletes who are more inclined to study in preparation for employment in the field of sports.

             Enabling and stimulating the maximum number of contacts with political, social, cultural and sports events, stimulating rationality, competence, criticality and involvement in social relations.
             To support the talent and talent of school pupils in all areas, with suitable organizational forms and an individual approach, to enable the combination of quality education with work on developing students' above-standard abilities especially in the field of sports.
             Educate and positively shape athletes - representatives of the town, region and Slovakia.

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